July 2023 Product Updates
Send a Waitlist request in fewer steps, allow patients to rebook via a Waitlist request, and sync public forms with just 3 clicks.
Welcome to another jam-packed monthly update from NexHealth! We've added time-saving new features to the Waitlist experience and enabled syncing for Forms completed via the website widget.
Not sure how many open slots are on your calendar? The new NexHealth Waitlist will find them and fill them
NexHealth Waitlist now reads your open calendar slots to tell you all the availability you have in the next 7 days–and shares that information right on the NexHealth Dashboard.
Simply click on the “Start a waitlist request” button and see those open slots filled in 20 minutes or less.
Streamline Waitlist requests with suggested appointment slots and provider search
When an appointment gets canceled, you want to move quickly and fill that slot as fast as possible. We’ve made creating a Waitlist request incredibly easy by suggesting appointment slots that are open for booking and adding provider search options by name.
Read appointment notes inside your Waitlist
Patients often have strong preferences when it comes to scheduling, including preferred providers, appointment times, and more. Your ASAP notes will now display in the Waitlist search, helping to match patients with the right appointment openings.
A quick scan of the patient notes helps staff match patients to the Waitlist options that fits their unique needs - increasing the likelihood that the appointment will be filled quickly!
Never disappoint Waitlist patients with easy rebooking
Most Waitlist slots are filled within 20 minutes. This is great for your schedule, but it means there will be some patients who weren't quick enough to snag a slot.
Now patients can seamlessly check additional availability and book another appointment with Online Booking directly from their Waitlist notification.
Forms website widgets are now part of the Synchronizer™
Forms widgets hosted on the office website now sync to the patient file in your health record system. Instead of spending time locating the patient file in the health record system and manually transcribing form responses, simply select the appropriate patient profile in NexHealth and assign the completed paperwork. 3 clicks replaces hours of data entry.
And I've used at least 6 others." - Shaye, Falmouth Dentistry