Frequently Asked Questions

Do patients need to log into an online portal to make a payment?

No. You can send patients a secure payment link via email or text message, and they can pay with just two taps or clicks. Patients don’t need to create a separate username or password to log into a payment portal.

Can I automatically send links to NexHealth Online Booking and NexHealth Forms via text message?

Yes, NexHealth Messaging works seamlessly with the rest of the NexHealth patient experience platform. You can trigger text messages based on appointment types with the appropriate forms, and you can send automated recall messages based on the date of a patient’s last appointment.

Do NexHealth Forms automatically sync to the patient file?

Yes, completed patient forms can be set to automatically sync to the patient file in your health record system. This will also auto-populate patient data like address and health history into the corresponding fields in the patient file. This is possible thanks to the NexHealth Synchronizer

How does NexHealth know to send the right recall message?

NexHealth is able to read both the continuing care code in a patient’s file as well as previous appointment types in that patient’s history. With Appointment Journeys, your office can automatically send recalls by appointment type.

Do you offer free product trials?

Your practice derives the best value from our platform by integrating bidirectionally with your Practice Management System, which occurs during onboarding. We want you to experience the value of NexHealth right away, so we do not offer free trials at this time.

We love building software that doctors and patients enjoy using. We'll gladly refund your monthly fee if, for any reason, you are not happy with our products and services.

Why is it important to reduce no shows and appointment cancellations?

Patient no-shows and appointment cancellations can drastically impact practice revenue.

With missed appointments costing the American healthcare system $150 billion every year, your clinic could be seeing anywhere between a 5% to 30% no-show rate. Every 60 minutes’ worth of missed appointment is costing clinics an average of $200 every time.

Automated appointment reminders make the most of your available time slots by reducing no-shows and cancellations, so you’re not losing out on potential revenue.

Moreover, the more frequently a patient no-shows, cancels, or simply forgets about their appointment, the more likely they are to be disengaged with your practice and their medical and dental care, resulting in the potential loss of a patient.

How can I identify the main sources of practice growth?

NexHealth Analytics shows how many appointments are booked online or in-office, as well as the Campaign Type and Medium for each online appointment. You can also track open and click rates for your Marketing Campaigns to understand which ones perform the best.

What is the NexHealth Synchronizer?

The NexHealth Synchronizer is the most reliable way to automatically sync patient data between your office and NexHealth. The Synchronizer is proprietary technology built by NexHealth to work independently from health record systems, so you can have a secure, reliable, and fast connection to your office and NexHealth. Learn more in this blog post.

How frequently will my online calendar update based on my practice schedule?

You can automatically read and write to your health record system every few minutes via the NexHealth Synchronizer. This is why you can use NexHealth to show patients your real-time availability when they’re booking online and minimize scheduling issues like double-bookings.

How can reputation and review management help me acquire new patients?

Healthcare reputation management software offers many benefits, including increased patient acquisition. Online reputation management for doctors can inform patients of your services and treatments, answer any potential questions patients may have before scheduling an appointment, and educates potential patients on what to expect before their appointment.

Who can I refer?

Any U.S. medical or dental practice that is not currently a NexHealth customer, is not actively engaged with our sales team, or has been a NexHealth customer in the past. Referral cannot be directly affiliated with the practice they are referring. We recommend that you let the referral know you referred them to NexHealth.

How will NexHealth know if an appointment is unconfirmed?

You can automatically read the appointment status from your health record system via the NexHealth Synchronizer.

How can I target specific patient groups with Marketing Campaigns?

NexHealth Marketing Campaigns include detailed filters that allow offices to narrow their patient list by previous appointment type, appointment status, provider, treatment due, and more.

Does NexHealth Messaging support text messages with images?

Yes, NexHealth Messaging supports images. Patients can send pictures that may help you diagnose a condition, and you can send pictures related to their care.

What happens if a patient doesn't book their recall appointment?

Recalls with NexHealth are completely customizable, meaning that you can create as many follow-up messages for a recall as you want. Our onboarding team will help you customize recalls for each appointment type to encourage patients to book their appointments.

When should I ask patients to leave a review?

It’s good practice to ask patients to leave a review as close to their appointment as possible, when their memory is fresh and their experience with you is top of mind. NexHealth automates this process with email and text messaging reminders. We’ve included some online review request templates here.

Our provider schedule is very complicated. How will NexHealth handle that?

NexHealth Online Booking is built for complex schedules. You can take advantage of many different customization options like appointment-specific working hours, custom provider appointment durations, rotating schedule accommodation, and more.

How can NexHealth improve payment collections?

With NexHealth, you can send payment reminders via email or text so it’s easy for patients to pay right away. No need to worry about patients losing track of paper bills or payment portal login credentials.

Can I send reminder texts and emails to appointments that are already confirmed?

Yes. Automated Reminders allows you to send texts and emails to patients with both confirmed and unconfirmed appointments, using customizable messaging for each status.

Is there a limit to how many people I can refer?

There is no limit to the number of people you can refer.

What happens when a patient accepts a Waitlist request?

Patients on the Waitlist are able to accept an available appointment with just one click via text or email. NexHealth will then insert the appointment on your health record system’s calendar and send a notification to let your staff know.

How can I encourage patients to reschedule missed appointments?

Automated appointment reminders are an effective way to reduce patient no-shows, and are more likely to be received than a phone call. If there’s one thing people don’t like these days, it’s picking up the phone. Email and text appointment reminders are a non-invasive way to remind your patients about their appointments – and they’ll appreciate you for it.

Automated appointment reminders are a 24/7 service, unlike your physical staff. You can set up patient reminders so they’re sending outside business hours, when patients are more likely to see them.

Automated appointment reminders can be sent the same day of a patient’s appointment, so that “I forgot about my appointment” becomes an excuse of the past.

Will Waitlist be integrated with my health record system?

Yes! Thanks to the NexHealth Synchronizer, Waitlist is just one of a full suite of tools designed to help grow your practice and acquire new patients. Waitlist reads the ASAP or waiting list from your health record system, and displays your real-time availability thanks to our integration with your health record system.

Why did NexHealth build the Synchronizer?

NexHealth built the Synchronizer to solve problems such as double bookings, cancellations, and manual data entry by auto-updating patient interactions into your office software. Learn more about the benefits of EHR synchronization in this blog post.

Can I export data from NexHealth to use in other analytics tools?

Yes. You can download CSV files with detailed data to perform additional analysis of patients who booked or missed appointments, received recall or reminder messages, reviewed your practice, and more. 

How do Campaigns help me market my practice?

Marketing Campaigns help offices stay in touch with patients beyond reminders and recalls. Campaign examples include sending out office hour changes, information about seasonal specials, and updates about the practice, all to encourage patients to come in for care.

Can I continue to use my current patient intake forms?

Yes! NexHealth can digitize your existing patient forms or you can choose from our library of templates.

What if I only want certain appointments to receive review requests?

No problem! We can do that with Appointment Journeys. You can determine which appointment types receive automated review requests.

Can I include Online Booking in my recall messages?

Yes. You can include Online Booking in your recall messages so that patients can easily book their follow-ups online. If your office is set up with Appointment Journeys, your recall messages can display your available time slots so patients can book with just a single click. 

Who can help us if something in our schedule changes?

You can contact our support engineering team any time at for any edits or updates to your schedule, as well as other questions.

How can I determine my no-show rate?

Curious to know how much patient no-shows are affecting your bottom line?

Here’s how to calculate the impact of no-shows on your clinic: Multiply your average number of patients per month by your average revenue per appointment. Multiply that number by your average no-show rate. Make sure your reports are showing only true no-shows and not rescheduled appointments.

That’s the amount of revenue you’re losing every month to no-shows.

NexHealth’s automated reminder software solution can help you recuperate a large portion of this lost revenue and even pay for itself in the process.

How does NexHealth Reviews increase my practice’s online footprint?

When a patient leaves a positive review, NexHealth will automatically route them to a social media profile of your choosing. The patient will then be prompted to expand on their review and post it publicly.

Do patients need to install another app to use NexHealth Messaging?

No. NexHealth Messaging delivers text messages via SMS (Short Message Service), which works natively with any smartphone or cellular device.

How do I redeem my $500 when my referral becomes a NexHealth customer?

Once your referral launches their NexHealth platform, you will get a check for $500 in the mail.  It can take up to four weeks to get customers launched on our platform and an additional month to send you your referral bonus after receiving your information.

How does NexHealth prevent double-bookings among patients with the Waitlist?

If a patient tries to accept a slot that has already been booked after it is sent, they will receive a notification that the appointment is no longer available with a redirect to online booking. Since the Synchronizer is also reading your real-time availability on the calendar, you can be confident that your normal booking activities won’t be interrupted either.

Can I send different reminders for distinct appointment types?

Yes. Appointment Journeys allows you to customize your reminder messaging by appointment type, so you can automate much of your staff’s pre-appointment workflow.

Why choose NexHealth over standalone appointment scheduling software?

NexHealth is a fully integrated suite of tools, including online billing, telehealth, and customizable healthcare marketing solutions. Our integrations with a variety of EHRs and practice management software allow you to seamlessly collect and review patient information, all from a single dashboard.

NexHealth is the all-in-one solution that’s easy to use and simple to implement. Improve your healthcare office efficiency with our automated approach to practice management.

What if I need to make an edit to my forms?

Our support team is here to help you with any edits to your forms. Just reach out by emailing or calling us directly.

Do I have to create dashboards from scratch?

No. NexHealth's healthcare analytics platform comes with prebuilt dashboards for appointments, recalls, online bookings, patient satisfaction, and more.

How frequently should I send Marketing Campaigns?

This is up to you! Many offices prefer to contact their patients regularly to remind them to take care of their health. NexHealth Marketing Campaigns also include a variety of templates that you can use to send updates and seasonal greetings to patients.

What are my billing options?

When you choose the month-to-month option, you’ll be charged every month. For our yearly subscription, you’ll pay the full year up front. 

How much does it cost to use the Synchronizer?

The Synchronizer is free for practices using NexHealth. There are no additional setup costs either.

Can patients submit online payments from my practice website?

Yes. You can embed the NexHealth Online Payments widget directly into your site to facilitate online payments.

What happens if a patient leaves my practice a negative review?

Patients who rate their experience poorly will not be automatically redirected to your Google Business Page or social media profile. Those patients will be asked to answer a few questions about their experience, and their feedback is routed back to your office via the NexHealth dashboard.

Is there a limit on the number of forms I can add to my account?

No, you can add as many forms as you want. 

Does NexHealth Online Booking work with Perfect Day Scheduling?

While NexHealth does not specifically read Perfect Day, we can recreate Perfect Day availability and appointment offerings easily via our online booking. Your onboarding manager can help with this. 

Can I send Waitlist requests to more than just patients on the ASAP list?

Yes. The Synchronizer™ can sync both your ASAP and continuing care lists from your health record system, so you won’t have to keep track of patients looking to book. And for those who still reach for the sticky note when a patient requests a sooner visit, you can now add patients to your list manually.

Are there any cancellation fees?

NexHealth is a month-to-month service. You can cancel, upgrade, or downgrade your plan at any time. If you choose to cancel, we'll automatically close your account and permanently delete your data. Speak with a NexHealth representative to learn more, exclusions apply.

Where can I view a patient’s conversation history with my practice?

All patient messages are available directly within NexHealth in the Messages tab. You can also view messages on the patient record, alongside the individual's appointment history and communication preferences.

I'm stuck with my current vendor – can I still use NexHealth?

Yes. We’ll buy out your contract with your existing vendor so you can get started with NexHealth right away. Speak with a NexHealth representative to learn more, exclusions apply.

Can I send Online Form requests with Reminders?

Yes. You can include consent forms, new patient packets, post-treatment instructions, and more with Automated Reminders and Appointment Journeys.

What if I used to be a NexHealth customer, but still want to refer a practice?

Only current NexHealth customers are eligible to receive the $500 cash referral incentive.

What NexHealth products does the Synchronizer support?

The Synchronizer supports every NexHealth product — Online Booking, Messaging, Forms, Automated Reminders, Patient Recall, Waitlist, Online Payments, Patient Reviews, and more.

Can I add more locations at any time?

Yes! Contact your sales rep to increase your locations and upgrade your package.

How can I easily fill gaps in my schedule if a patient cancels an appointment?

With automated appointment alerts, patients can still cancel appointments – but they’re more likely to cancel with ample notice, giving other patients the chance to use those cancelled time slots.

When you have automated text and email appointment reminders, appointment cancellations can happen with enough notice for clinic staff to move patients off waitlists and on to your schedule.
When your appointment reminder solution comes with online booking, your cancellations become free appointments in real time. Other patients can then automatically book over that time without manual calendar management from your staff using our ASAP List feature.

Are apps like WhatsApp and Signal HIPAA-compliant?

No. Healthcare practices are required to act under rigorous and specific state and federal regulations regarding the safe-keeping of PHI, protected health information. NexHealth HIPAA-compliant patient communication solution allows you to provide an efficient, reliable way of communicating with patients in a secure, easy-to-use way. An added benefit of NexHealth’s HIPAA-compliant messaging platform for doctors is that it’s a full suite of tools designed to help grow your practice and acquire new patients, and also seamlessly integrates with many Practice Management Systems and other healthcare software solutions, including Dentrix, Open Dental, Eaglesoft, CareCloud, eClinicalWorks, and more. Find out if we integrate with your system here.

Can patients confirm appointments directly from text messages?

Absolutely. If a patient replies to an appointment reminder with a simple “Y” or “Yes,” NexHealth will automatically confirm the appointment and sync the status to your health record system.

Does the Synchronizer rely on a partnership with health record systems?

No. NexHealth built the Synchronizer to work independently from health record systems. Most health record systems’ APIs lack the functionality to support common workflows that our customers expect, such as online booking, patient forms, and two-way messaging. The absence of a strong API for auto-updating patient data to the health record system is why NexHealth invested four years into building the Synchronizer.

How should I message No-Show patients?

Your automated appointment reminders should reflect the unique personality of your practice, but here are a few guidelines to help keep your appointment reminder messages engaging and succinct:

  • Keep your automated appointment reminders as short as possible so your patients retain the most important piece of information: the date and time of their appointment.
  • Keep them clear. Include only the most important information, such as date, time, and appointment location. Email & text marketing messages are a great place for practice branding.
  • Keep them simple. Add an easy way for patients to confirm their appointment after the first text reminder. The standard mechanism for confirmation is to ask patients to respond with “C” for confirmation or “Y/N” to clarify whether they’ll be able to make it.
  • Keep them HIPAA-compliant. Never include more information than you have to in a text reminder. That means leaving out appointment details like reason for appointment, treatment plans, etc.

Text and email appointment reminders are allowed under HIPAA, as long as your clinic adopts software that secures patient data and that the information you include in your appointment reminder messages is HIPAA-compliant.

Here are a few best practices to ensure your dental marketing messages are secure:

  • Limit the amount of private medical information in all appointment reminder communication. For example, instead of specifying that your communication is from “Cosmetic Dentistry Services”, make sure the reminder comes from “Dr. Allen.”
  • Don’t use your patients’ names in reminders if you can avoid it.
  • Finally, don’t include information about diagnoses or treatment plans in reminders.

Still in need of inspiration? Explore our appointment reminder messaging templates.

Will new patients automatically receive their intake forms?

Yes. NexHealth recognizes when a new patient books online or is added to your health record system by a staff member. This will trigger a welcome message, which can be customized to include new patient intake forms. 

How do we enable online patient scheduling on our website?

Once you have customized your online booking availability, you will have a ‘Book Now’ widget that you can put on your website, social media profiles, and Google Business page. If you do not have a web designer or marketing agency, NexHealth works with many agency partners who can help. 

Can I check the status of a referral? What if I have more questions?

Email to check the status of a referral or ask questions related to the Refer-A-Practice Program.

What types of information can I send to patients using NexHealth’s messaging tools?

Text and email messages are allowed under HIPAA, as long as your clinic adopts software that secures patient data and that the information you include in your marketing messages is HIPAA-compliant.

Here are a few best practices to ensure your dental marketing messages are secure:

  • Limit the amount of private medical information in all appointment reminder communication. For example, instead of specifying that your communication is from “Cosmetic Dentistry Services”, make sure the reminder comes from “Dr. Allen.”
  • Don’t use your patients’ names in reminders if you can avoid it.
  • Finally, don’t include information about diagnoses or treatment plans in reminders.

Who is using the Synchronizer today?

More than 5,000 individual practices like Grand Street Dental, DSOs like The Smilist, and technology companies like Smile Direct Club use the Synchronizer every day. To date, NexHealth has allowed practices to sync over 70 million patient records reliably and securely.

Will using telehealth or teledentistry help to reduce no-shows?

Yes! Coupled with automated appointment reminders, telehealth services can be an effective way to reduce patient no-shows.

Additionally, telehealth services remove many of the difficulties associated with in-person visits.

Some of the more recent reasons why patients missed appointments include childcare challenges, increased anxiety about associated risks when visiting healthcare facilities, and  reduced income.

How can I automate sending other forms to my patients?

Your NexHealth onboarding manager will help you customize your forms and automate sending them to patients based on appointment type, due date, or previous procedure.

Can I gather patient insurance information with NexHealth Online Booking?

You sure can! You can gather insurance information, determine if a patient is new or existing, ask for the date of the patient’s last appointment, and more.

Summer Leader  2022
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What is NexHealth?
Automate patient scheduling, forms, communications, and more with EHR-integrated patient experience platform.
Save hundreds of hours on monthly labor
Automate everything from signups to recalls
Easily setup 40% more appointments every week