Forms can be digitized in any language if your office is able to provide a translation. However, NexHealth also has our most popular form templates ready-to-use in Spanish!
The Spanish forms currently available in your Template library:
Financial Policy
Adult HIPAA Form
Adult Privacy Practices
Dental Insurance
Patient Information Form
Bonding & Veneers Information
Consent for Internet Communications
Consent to Perform Dentistry
General Dentistry Informed Consent
Photography Release
Post-Op Instructions Extractions
Informed Consent for Crown Lengthening
Consent to Orthodontic Treatment
Oral Sedation Monitoring
Informed Consent for Teeth Whitening
Informed Consent for Surgical Perio
Informed Consent for Root Canal
Informed Consent for Extractions
Refusal to Consent to Treatment
Office and Payment Policies
To add a Spanish form:
1. To access your templates, login to your form editor by selecting Forms, then Forms & Packets and Customize Forms.
- In the editor, choose Build Form.
2. Forms with "SP" added to the end are translated to Spanish.
And I've used at least 6 others." - Shaye, Falmouth Dentistry