NexHealth Support

nexhealth team members

How do I set up the Review Template?

1. Navigate to the NexHealth Home

2. Navigate to "Templates."

  1. Select "Reviews."
  2. By default, reviews will send every evening to that day's patients. If you would like, you can change the send-time by editing the trigger tile.
  3. Select the Send time.
  4. Click to edit the Message tiles.
  5. If you would like, you can edit the text. Just be sure to leave INSERTSURVEYRATING as-is.
  6. Click "Load preview" to see the message from the patient perspective.
  7. If you would like to limit the number of reviews a patient receives, you can add a limit to only request them every 6 months. Click the plus icon, then select "Send to a patient once within."
  8. To activate, toggle the control On.